QBN Beverages

QBN Beverages was founded in 2016 by Martin Escudero Magnusson who has more than 20 years of experience from the spirits industry. From the start, the focus has been to become the leading importer/specialized wholesaler for premium spirits on the Nordic markets. We are a dedicated team of spirit affxcionados and our contribution to the spirits industry is to offer an alternative to the old structures, creating a new type of company that acts as an importer, brand builder, distributor, and wholesaler at the same time. This new broader way of thinking creates a bridge between these functions and gives us the ability of guaranteeing quality and good service throughout the whole logistical chain. Our mission is to make it easy and fun for our restaurant clients to order, and at the same time guarantee them a quick delivery. Some of our clients refer to us as the “fastest guys in town” and we like to think that we are a one-stop-shop for premium spirits and our mindset is; Any Brand. Anytime. Anywhere.
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